
Drawing trees

There is a classical problem which Euler introduced in a paper in 1736 which is supposed to be the first paper on graph theory. The paper is usually referred to as The seven bridges of Köningsberg, and either even though, or due to the fact that Euler proved that there was no solution to this problem, graph theory has attracted a lot of attention, and also has provided neat solutions to many problems. For instance the tree of life, which I believe is a directed acyclic graph (it is probably not possible to prove that evolution is acyclic, but it IS directed), describes the theory of evolution, while formal linguistics uses different graphs to describe different properties of non-natural as well as natural languages. These graphs are to my knowledge all of the class of graphs called trees, and so leads me to be even more certain that there exists a connection between the forest and natural languages via a scientific analysis of this material.

drawing.trees.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/08 13:58 (external edit)